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Today, in case you don't know, was National Teacher Appreciation Day. Oh, you didn't know? Okay. Well, today is the day on which I guess we forget to give thanks to our nation's educators. And to honor teachers on this special day, we took a field trip to the farmers market on Fairfax, where we asked kids to share one thing they've learned this year. We asked, this year, what did you learn in school? And this is what they told us.
So it's National Teacher Appreciation Day.
What does that mean?
We're talking about the things teachers have taught us. Can you tell us one thing you learned in school this year?
I learned about bugs. We learned in math about quadrira. Oh, I said that wrong, I think. I don't know how to say it, but we know that it's a shape with four sides.
Can you tell us something you learned in school this year?
I learned numbers and letters.
Oh yeah? Which one's your favorite numbers? Tell me something you learned in school this year.
I learned. I learned time.
There's a clock right over there. Do you see it up there?
Can you tell me what time it is?
It's 7, 10, 7 11, something like that.
Can you tell us something you learned in school this year?
Math class.
What'd you learn in math class?
What did you learn about fractions?
Um, that I don't know. She teaches us how to read.
Uh huh.
Do you like to read?
Do you have anything you want to say to one of your teachers?
Hi. By the way, you better not find out about the fudge incident. There was fudge incident?
Yeah. What? Well, that's. I hate to end it on a down note, but thank you, teachers. Happy Appreciation Day. If you like that video, then put a ring on it. Click the subscribe button below.
Uh oh. Oh.
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